For Entertainment Sake
Should Christian Women Be Supporting Adultery on the Alter of Entertainment? “Mama, are they married?” Aislin asked as the scene of Little House on the Prairie closed out with a…
Hi! I’m Amy!
Throughout my life, many ‘considerations’ have been ruminated upon… Dropped into my heart’s mind through a casual conversation with an unbeknownst stranger or a more profound discussion with a sentient theorist. But honestly, most of these ‘considerations’ started as a simple question in my child-like mind.
And that, my friends, unravels why I am here hacking away at this keyboard to present my constant rumblings.
You see…despite my general detest for screens, it is this digital world that often took my teeny-tiny thought bubbles and turned them into real-life applications. An idea that started as a passing thought would be transformed into an unshakable value that dictated how I would walk out my daily life. Not in one fell swoop, but often through a process – much like rumination – otherwise known as ‘chewing the cud.’