Hi! I’m Amy!

Throughout my life, many ‘considerations’ have been ruminated upon… Dropped into my heart’s mind through a casual conversation with an unbeknownst stranger or a more profound discussion with a sentient theorist. But honestly, most of these ‘considerations’ started as a simple question in my child-like mind.

And that, my friends, unravels why I am here hacking away at this keyboard to present my constant rumblings.

You see…despite my general detest for screens, it is this digital world that often took my teeny-tiny thought bubbles and turned them into real-life applications. An idea that started as a passing thought would be transformed into an unshakable value that dictated how I would walk out my daily life. Not in one fell swoop, but often through a process – much like rumination – otherwise known as ‘chewing the cud.’

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